Our Doctrine
We believe that the Bible is the divine undiluted word of God: It is God's compass with detailed directions given to guide mankind from earth to heaven.
(Psalms 12:6, 119:89, Proverbs 30:5-6)
One God
We believe in only one God and father of us all who has revealed Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. We recognize his roles as Creator, Savior and the indwelling Holy Ghost.
(Deuteronomy 4:35, 6:4, Isaiah 44:6, St. John 1: 1-14, 10:30, Acts 2:36, Colossians 2:9-10, 1 John 3:16, 5:7, James 2:19)
Water Baptism
We believe that baptism must be correctly performed by the complete immersion into water in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the removal of sins.
(Matthew 3:13-16, Matthew 28:19, Luke 24:47, Acts 2:38, 4:12, 10:48, 19:5).
Holy Ghost
We believe that every believer must receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues: The Holy Ghost is God indwelling, empowering and regenerating spirit dwelling in believers and is also called the comforter/ the spirit of truth.
(Luke 3:16, Matthew 3:13-16, Mark 16:15, John 16: 7-15, Acts 10:44-48, Romans 6:3-6).
Christian Lifestyle
All Christians must live a righteous and Godly life in this present world.
(Romans 6:14, 12:1, 1 Corinthians 6:17-20, 1 Timothy 4:12).
We believe that the Bible is the divine undiluted word of God: It is God's compass with detailed directions given to guide mankind from earth to heaven.
(Psalms 12:6, 119:89, Proverbs 30:5-6)
One God
We believe in only one God and father of us all who has revealed Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. We recognize his roles as Creator, Savior and the indwelling Holy Ghost.
(Deuteronomy 4:35, 6:4, Isaiah 44:6, St. John 1: 1-14, 10:30, Acts 2:36, Colossians 2:9-10, 1 John 3:16, 5:7, James 2:19)
Water Baptism
We believe that baptism must be correctly performed by the complete immersion into water in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the removal of sins.
(Matthew 3:13-16, Matthew 28:19, Luke 24:47, Acts 2:38, 4:12, 10:48, 19:5).
Holy Ghost
We believe that every believer must receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues: The Holy Ghost is God indwelling, empowering and regenerating spirit dwelling in believers and is also called the comforter/ the spirit of truth.
(Luke 3:16, Matthew 3:13-16, Mark 16:15, John 16: 7-15, Acts 10:44-48, Romans 6:3-6).
Christian Lifestyle
All Christians must live a righteous and Godly life in this present world.
(Romans 6:14, 12:1, 1 Corinthians 6:17-20, 1 Timothy 4:12).